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Alexander Hosea Primary School

Roots to grow, wings to fly



At Alexander Hosea our vision is, ‘roots to grow, wings to fly’. Our curriculum has been developed to support our vision and values. We are committed to ‘Learning without Limits’. This means we believe that there is more in everyone than we think. We want children to have the self-belief and aspire to do great things. They will leave with the knowledge and the skills they will need to lead a flourishing life; and to have the disposition to help others to do so too.

Project learning

Classes take on a new project each term. The project has an overarching big question and smaller enquiry questions along the way which guide the children through the project from a WOW start, through several mini-outcomes towards a final outcome. Mini-outcomes are carefully crafted so that children learn skills and knowledge and then apply this as part of that mini-outcome. Maths and English skills are also linked and give purpose for writing and maths. A key part of the outcome is that it is prepared for an audience in some way, giving the children’s learning a real purpose. Wherever possible, projects are linked to global and community awareness.

Immersive environments

Our classrooms are created each term to enable children to be more immersed in their project. Areas are created to give children choices about how they will learn. Research has informed our choices of colour and lighting to ensure that we are providing inclusive environments that fully support children’s learning.


Development as an effective learner

A core part of learning across all areas is the development of the children as effective learners. We have ELLI (Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory) characters that help the children to develop a language to talk about how they learn.


ELLI Story

Recognising that the right challenge level is important for optimum progress, we use the idea of Purple Learner to help children understand this.

Purple learning

Additional information relating to the curriculum can be obtained from your child's class teacher and will be shared regularly on the weekly class newsletters.