Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011 to provide additional funding to schools in an effort to address inequalities between children who are, or have been eligible for Free School Meals any time in the last six years (FSM and Ever6), Looked After Children (LAC), children whose parents are in the armed forces and their peers.
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and they decide how this is spent. Schools are held accountable for how they spend the Pupil Premium to support pupils who receive this extra funding. The aim of the funding is to tackle disadvantage and to narrow / close the gap in attainment where this exists.
Pupil Premium Strategies
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023
Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024
At Alexander Hosea Primary School, we have high aspirations for all our pupils and are committed to ensuring that our provision enables each individual child to flourish, make very good progress and attain highly across the curriculum.
In deciding how best to spend the pupil premium grant each year, we look at the identified barriers to learning faced by pupil premium children in the context of our school. The barriers we pay close attention to are those related to:
- Personal, social and emotional needs (including self-belief);
- Communication skills;
- Academic knowledge, skills and understanding;
- Support at home (including any adverse childhood experiences).
We recognise that each child entitled to the pupil premium grant is unique in their situation and our response to their needs and our provision to help meet these reflect this. Our key objective in using the pupil premium grant is to diminish the difference in attainment and progress between those entitled to the pupil premium and those who are not.
We will ensure that:
- A high profile is given to pupils eligible for the pupil premium.
- All staff are accountable for the progress and attainment of pupils eligible for the pupil premium.
At Alexander Hosea School, the progress and attainment of these pupils is carefully tracked and analysed from a rich field of data in order to monitor progress towards our aspirations for these children. They are also prioritised in our marking and feedback, Pupil Progress Meetings and in our other monitoring activities.