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Alexander Hosea Primary School

Roots to grow, wings to fly

Pearl Class - KLB Students for a day

Students having a taster day at KLB

Pearl class experience a day in the life of a secondary school student

On 3rd October, pupils arrived at KLB at 8:30, where they got to experience breakfast in the canteen. They then went onto their first lesson, Science! This was very exciting as it involved strawberry laces! The children were asked to investigate how many strawberry laces it would take to carry the most weight. The children got to use lots of equipment, such as stands, clamps and weights!

We then moved onto art, which was great as it linked with their Year 4 learning. All the children created graffiti bookmarks! Myself and Mrs Gee also created our own. It was great to see the children enjoy art and realise that there is no right or wrong way to do it!

After that we had a French lesson. The children got to have a conversation in French and even learn a French song!

As part of their break time, we got to have a tour of KLB from some ex Alexander Hosea students. They showed us their favourite places to spend their lunchtime. We also got to experience some lunchtime clubs. We watched fencing and joined in with badminton.

Our last lesson of the day was PE. The children played short tennis and quick cricket. The children all seemed to enjoy themselves and were great ambassadors of Alexander Hosea.

View more photos from the day.